Experiential Learning Information It's a simple concept - when you learn by doing, you learn differently. You learn more. You learn beyond subject matter – you also learn about yourself. At UGA, Experiential Learning is designed to deliver impact – for our communities, and above all, for our students. Experiential Learning can elevate a student’s trajectory, enhance competencies and enable opportunities, now and for years to come – that’s why it’s a (required) part of every UGA degree. Find an Experiential learning opportunity Study Abroad Programs Sociology Study Abroad Sociology faculty often teach classes in UGA study-abroad programs in the United Kingdom and France. This makes it possible for majors and minors to study abroad and get credit toward their major or minor at the same time. All UGA programs provide resident credit and the Hope Scholarship covers the costs of tuition in whole or in part. The Department of Sociology is also proud to offer the Sociology Study Abroad Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to help defray some of the costs of a UGA study abroad program for exceptional students with financial need. More information on the Sociology Study Abroad Scholarship will be coming early Fall 2025 from the Undergraduate Coordinator, Dr. Anna S. Rogers. If you have questions, please reach out to her at anna.rogers2@uga.edu. All sociology majors will receive an email when the application opens and a link will also be provided here when available. Campus-Wide Program Information UGA offers study abroad programs led by UGA faculty during the fall and spring semesters, as well as Maymester and Summer terms. UGA sponsors over 70 different study abroad programs in 30 countries, including Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Fiji, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, and programs that travel to multiple countries. The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) is the primary campus resource for information on study abroad programs lasting an academic year, semester, quarter, summer, or Maymester. Study Abroad Advisors are available to assist students with program selection and to answer questions regarding other aspects of studying, working, traveling or volunteering abroad. In the semester-length programs, classes are taught by both UGA professors and instructors from the host country, and program participants earn a full load of credits. In most cases, students live in a residence hall with other UGA students, and perhaps, local students. One of the advantages of the semester-length programs is that students have plenty of time to discover what the country and culture have to offer and make connections with the local population. Furthermore, there may be opportunities for independent travel during weekends or breaks. Participants in UGA semester programs pay in-state tuition and fees, and HOPE and other scholarships and financial aid can usually be applied to study abroad costs. The short-term (Maymester and Summer) opportunities offer strong academic programs with classes taught by UGA professors, as well as field trips and excursions that utilize the resources in the host country. Maymester and Summer session programs are 2-8 weeks in duration, and students earn resident credit for the coursework completed while abroad. A wide variety of academic disciplines and geographic locations are represented in the UGA program offerings. All students pay in-state tuition and fees, and HOPE and other scholarships and financial aid can usually be applied to study abroad costs. Due to the short-term nature of the programs and the fact that they are traveling with a group of U.S. students, participants should keep in mind that they will need to make extra efforts to connect with the local culture. UGA sponsored study abroad programs are particularly popular among students for several reasons. Students and parents appreciate the security that comes with UGA endorsement. They also value the presence of UGA professors as instructors and group leaders. In addition, the program staff makes most of the arrangements for classes, transportation, accommodation, excursions, and meals. Liverpool Study Abroad Program Explore the modern city of Liverpool and the coastal beauty of Northern Wales! Students will receive credit for two courses for a total of six credit hours. Students enroll in two courses, one in Sociology and the other in Political Science. In these courses, students learn about the U.K. criminal justice system and explore variation in crime around the globe. Learn More UGA à Paris Study Abroad Program Spend 6 weeks in Paris, the City of Light, and earn 6 credits in Sociology, History, Geography, International Affairs, and/or Communication Studies. Courses focus upon French/ European culture, history, and politics. The program includes overnight trips to the Loire Valley to see several chateaux (you stay in a chateau!) and to Brittany and Normandy, where students explore some of the D Day sites, visit the Mont St Michel UNESCO world heritage site, and see the world-famous Bayeux Tapestry. Faculty often organize class visits to various sites of interest in Paris. Learn More UGA Exchange Partnerships Exchange programs are an ideal option for students who wish to spend a semester or academic year abroad and immerse themselves in student culture in another country. The University of Georgia exchange partnerships enable UGA students to enroll as visiting students at a partner university and earn transfer credit for their academic work. Meanwhile, students from the partner university enroll at UGA. Typically, only one student or small group from UGA participates in each exchange during a given semester, which allows for student independence and cultural immersion opportunities. Exchange students take classes with local students or international students, live in residence halls, apartments or home-stays, participate in student activities along with local students, and travel independently during weekends and breaks. Exchanges also represent one of the most affordable ways to spend a semester abroad. Participating students work with the Office of International Education and a host university coordinator to make arrangements for housing, course selection, registration and other pre-departure details. UGA participants pay in-state tuition and fees to the OGE and pay for housing and meals on site. In addition, HOPE and other scholarships and financial aid can usually be applied to the cost of exchange programs. Currently, exchanges are offered in Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. Some exchanges are limited to specific disciplines; others offer a wide range of courses. Some exchanges in non-English speaking countries offer courses in English; others require language proficiency. Exchanges last a semester or an academic year. Academic departments coordinate some exchanges, while the OGE coordinates others. Additional Information External Programs In addition to UGA-sponsored study abroad and exchange programs, many other colleges and universities, language institutes, and international organizations offer opportunities for overseas study, travel, work, teaching, and volunteer experiences. Students may obtain information about these options through the OGE study abroad library or website. Academic Credit Study Abroad Programs sponsored by the University of Georgia offer resident credit, but students can earn transfer credit for participation in exchange programs and external study abroad programs. To obtain credit for these programs, students must complete the UGA Study Abroad Credit Approval Form before departing. The Admissions Office and/or the academic departments will make final determination of the transfer of credit upon completion of the program and receipt of the official transcript. Further details regarding the credit transfer process are also available Scholarships and Financial Aid Federal financial aid, the HOPE Scholarship and some other forms of financial aid may be applied to UGA-sponsored study abroad and exchange programs, as well as those offered by other universities. To receive financial aid for programs sponsored by other institutions, students must complete the UGA Study Abroad Credit Approval Form and meet all other UGA requirements for study abroad and financial aid. Office of Global Engagement Services The Office of Global Engagement offers 50-minute Options Abroad Sessions three times weekly, as well as a study abroad resource library and individual advising appointments. The office is located in 1324 South Lumpkin Street, and the staff can be reached at (706) 583-0148 or studyaway@uga.edu(This information references the University of Georgia Bulletin) Internships The department has created an internship course (SOCI 4950) called the “Internship Experience.” It involves the application of sociological theory and research to public and private sector enterprises, with an emphasis on the observation and analysis of sociological issues that then serve as the foundation for an original research paper. Students are responsible for identifying the internship setting and having their plan for the internship approved by the Sociology Undergraduate Coordinator prior to the semester in which it will occur. The course requires regular meetings with a faculty member to plan out the experience, monitor and facilitate progress, and then frame an original research paper inspired by the internship experience. The aim of the internship experience is twofold. First, the internship will give students an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in a public or private sector enterprise that dovetails with their academic or career interests. Second, the internship will give students a real-world experience that will then be examined and explored through the application of sociological concepts, methods, and theories. The internship will unfold in four main steps: 1.. Identifying and securing access to an internship site. This is the responsibility of the student, not the Sociology Department or its staff. This should be done in consultation with a faculty member in Sociology, but it is student initiated. For help finding internships, contact the UGA Career Center. 2. Crafting a written working agreement with a faculty member in Sociology regarding the internship site and activities along with expectations about the required research paper. This needs to be completed and approved by the Undergraduate Coordinator prior to the term in which the internship will take place. 3. Student engagement with the internship experience. It is important that periodic communication occur between the student and faculty member during this time. Broad expectations regarding the extent, timing, and character of that communication should be articulated in step 2 (above). Per the tradition of other internship-for-credit programs here at UGA, you'll need about 120 contact hours for the 3 credit hour SOCI 4950. 4. The formulation, execution, and delivery of an original research paper inspired by the internship experience. Expectations regarding the paper and any in-process requirements (e.g., outlines or discussions of potential topics) should be part of step 2 (above).