Please join the Sociology Department this fall as we present our Doctoral candidates and their job talks. It is a chance to hear about our department's innovative research and meet future specialists in the field. All events will be from 3:00-4:30PM in Baldwin Hall Room 264. Sept 20: Makeiva Jenkins Title: “Creating Counternarratives: Single Stay-at-Home Mothers (SAHMs), Entrepreneurship, and Challenging Cultural Understandings.” Sept 27: Kylie Smith Title: “Gaming, Masculinities, and Identity Threat.” Oct 11: Tenshi Kawashima Title: "The Role of Work Identity in Distributive Justice Processes." Oct 25: Krysten Long Title: “Color Coded: Caricatures, Myths, Tropes, and Differentiations in Stereotypes of Black Women Based on Skin Tone in the United States.” Nov 8: Chelsey Adams Title: “Black-White Differences in Wealth, Health, and Healthcare Access in the Rural South”