Drs. Sarah Shannon and Diana Graizbord have launched First Publics, a space intended for critical reflection as well as a useful resource for sociology instructors across higher ed institution types (e.g., 2-year, 4-year, private, public, etc.) and teaching roles (e.g., grad student instructors, adjunct, lecturer, teaching professor, tenure-track, etc.) as well as contexts outside of the US. If you would like to contribute, click here: contribute! Of particular interest is their recent interview with ASA President Prudence Carter, in which she shares about the “educative power of sociology”, doing public sociology, and teaching during these politically charged times. You can read the interview HERE. Sociology graduate students Steph Hanus, Natalia Pires De Vasconcelos, and Emily Tingle assisted in the project development and will continue to be involved in the project over the next year.