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Daniel J. Boches

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Daniel is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Georgia (UGA).  His research focuses on the interplay between deviance, law, and medical sociology.  Daniel’s dissertation uses semi-structured interviews with physicians to explore how doctors informally police medical mistakes among themselves.  His work appears in journals such as Deviant Behavior and RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences.  He has won several awards including a 2022-2023 Dissertation Completion Award, a UGA Graduate School assistantship given annually to outstanding students so they can devote time to the completion of their doctoral research. 

  • PhD., Sociology, University of Georgia, 2023.
  • M.A., Sociology, University of New Hampshire, 2016.
  • B.A., Economics, Temple University, 2014.
Selected Publications:

Boches, Daniel J. and Mark Cooney. 2022. “What Counts as ‘Violence?’ Semantic Divergence in Cultural Conflicts.” Deviant Behavior. (Link to article)

Boches, Daniel J., Brittany T. Martin, Andrea Giuffre, Amairini Sanchez, Aubrianne L. Sutherland, and Sarah K.S. Shannon. 2022. “Monetary Sanctions and Symbiotic Harms.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8(2):98-115. (Link to article)

Pattillo, Mary, Erica Banks, Brian Sargeant, and Daniel J. Boches. 2022. “Monetary Sanctions and Housing Instability.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8(2):57-75. (Link to article)

Boches, Daniel J. 2020. “Social Geometry and the ‘Terrorism’ Label.” Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social 13(1):147-168. (Link to article)

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Articles Featuring Daniel J. Boches

Boches, Daniel J. and Mark Cooney. 2022. “What Counts as ‘Violence?’ Semantic Divergence in   Cultural Conflicts.” Deviant Behavior

RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences just published two volumes of peer reviewed articles from the Multi-State Study of Monetary Sanctions that Dr. Sarah Shannon has been a co-PI on for the past six years. Two of the…

Events featuring Daniel J. Boches
MLC 213

How doctors police mistakes among themselves varies. Physicians support, tolerate, avoid, ridicule, confront, report, and banish colleagues for errors. What explains this variation? An established theory of social control and a growing literature on stratification in medical education suggest that the vertical direction of medical cases may partially account for…

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